Normal Mode Wave Structure
Wave 1: x4 Dummy
- Dummy has 4 HP, most towers can make quick work of this enemy like Phantom and a Level 1 Warrior.
Wave 2: x7 Dummy
Wave 3: x4 Speedy
- Speedy has 3 HP, with slightly faster speed than Dummy, which can be somewhat of a threat to an improper defense.
Wave 4: x5 Dummy, x4 Speedy
- Wave 4 features a conjunction of enemies. A level 0 Phantom is not enough to kill every enemy and will leak at least 1-2 Speedies.
Wave 5: x4 Slow
- Wave 5 is an absolute trainwreck without proper defenses. A Level 1 Recon is strongly advised here.
Wave 6: x4 Dummy, x5 Slow
Wave 7: x7 Dummy, x6 Speedy, x5 Slow
Wave 8: x5 Rusher
- Rusher has 17 HP and outruns Speedy. This wave is a pain in the ass without the right defense. 2 Level 1 Recon is enough to take out the Rushers without leaking.
Wave 9: x4 Dummy, x3 Slow, x4 Rusher
Wave 10: x6 Dummy, x1 Dummy Boss
- Wave 10 showcases the first boss you encounter. Dummy Boss sports 120 HP and can easily be killed with 2 Level 1 Recons.
Wave 11: x6 Rusher, x5 Slow
Wave 12: x5 Slow, x6 Rusher, x1 Dummymancer
- Dummymancer is the second boss you encounter, sporting a whopping 300 HP and the ability to summon zombies. You require at least 4 Recon or a Level 3+ Mercenary in order to kill it before the first summoning cycle.
Wave 13: x8 Shadow Dummy
- Shadow Dummy has the unique property called "Hidden". It has 10 HP with moderate speed and your towers require Hidden Detection to attack it. 2 Level 2 Recons should make quick work of them as they have a high damage output and that level gives them hidden detection.
Wave 14: x1 Dummy Boss, x9 Rusher, x9 Shadow Dummy
Wave 15: x5 Tough, x2 Dummy Boss, x3 Slow, x3 Dummy
Wave 16: x10 Slow, x5 Dummy Boss
Wave 17: x9 Shadow Dummy, x5 Dummy Boss, x7 Tough, x1 Slow Boss
- Slow Boss is the last early game boss you encounter, with 1000 total hitpoints, you require a lot of heavy damage. A single max mercenary (use Emissary ability) is enough to take down the boss, alternatively, you can use Cyborg.
Wave 18: x9 Rusher, x14 Tough, x2 Dummymancer, x1 Dummy Boss,
Wave 19: x2 Slow, x7 Tough, x9 Shadow Dummy, x1 Shadow Boss
- Wave 19 showcases a bulkier version of the Shadow Dummy. With 600 HP and the same speed as Shadow Dummy, this is a total trainwreck without at least 1 Max Mercenary.
Wave 20: x8 Elite Rusher
- Elite Rushers are the tougher versions of Rusher, 90 HP and they are quite fast. They sadly don't pose much of a threat anyway.
Wave 21: x7 Tough, x4 Slow, x2 Slow Boss, x4 Elite Rusher
Wave 22: x1 Shadow Boss, x6 Tough, x1 Speedy Boss
- Speedy Boss is a high health, high-speed enemy that serves as a flanker. It has 900 HP and runs insanely fast, killing anyone that is unprepared. Remember to use Mercenary and Programmer abilities when it comes out, to save a few seconds when speedrunning.
Wave 23: x10 Elite Rusher, x3 Slow Boss, x9 Tough, x3 Dummymancer
Wave 24: x3 Slow Boss, x2 Dummy Boss, x1 Gunslinger
- Wave 23 and 24 are dangerous waves and introduces the first enemy that stuns towers, Gunslinger. Gunslinger runs moderately fast and has a high health pool of 1400 HP. It can shoot your towers from anywhere on the map. Make sure to use any buffing ability (e.g. Programmer and Mercenary) to save a few seconds.
Wave 25: x3 Shadow Boss, x2 Slow Boss, x1 Tough Boss
- Past Wave 25, you should have all 6 Mercenaries down (implying you've brought Mercenary) and should be non-stop chaining the ability, same goes for Programmer. Everything else past this point is intuitive.
Wave 26: x1 Tough Boss, x9 Tough, x1 Gunslinger, x5 Elite Rusher
Wave 27: x6 Slow Boss, x2 Dummymancer, x1 Dummymancer Boss
Wave 28: x2 Speedy Boss, x5 Slow Boss, x2 Gunslinger, x2 Tough Boss, x9 Elite Rusher
Wave 29: x2 Speedy Boss, x3 Slow Boss, x3 Tough Boss, x6 Elite Rusher, x1 Dummymancer Boss, x1 Gunslinger
Wave 30: x4 Dummy Boss, x3 Tough Boss, x1 Dummymancer, x1 Big Dummy
- Big Dummy is the final boss of Normal Mode. He has an overwhelming 30,000 HP and stuns all towers with a huge radius. Remember to sell all your Miners (implying you've brought it) and chain all abilities.